New Page/Blog
Rob and I started a new web page. We have a bunch of ideas of stuff we want to put on there. I will have a new blog on that page instead of here. So.....
New Web Page And Blog Is Here:
Rob and I started a new web page. We have a bunch of ideas of stuff we want to put on there. I will have a new blog on that page instead of here. So.....
Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year. Anyone make any new years resolutions? Mine is to try to get to the gym more. Yup, the same thing everyone says every year.
I've turned Californian when it comes to weather. It was only 33 degrees when leaving for work this morning. There was a layer of icy frost on my window. Everyone who comes into the office has something to say about how cold it is. It is funny. But before you Buffalonians start going on about what babies we are, keep in mind that we have much thinner blood than you. I feel colder now than I did in Buffalo when temps would be even lower. The frost probably killed my flowers.
Back to regular day to day life. Mom and dad are back to Buffalo today. We had fun and the week went fast. The weather was a bit colder than I had hoped. I'll put up some pictures soon.
Upon his morning check of our bank account, Rob discovered that someone got a hold of our debit card number and rang up over 1,000.00 in just 3 hours! They are putting a stop on that card. Wow I'm glad we caught it only 3 hours after the crooks made their first purchase. Go online and check your bank statements every single day. That's what we do and that's how we will stop those people from taking even more money out of our accounts. I have NO idea how they could've got our number.
Yesterday while putting up some xmas decorations we heard this loud crash on the roof. It definitely sounded like something landed on our roof pretty violently which shook the house a bit. We couldn't find anything when we went outside to investigate. Later when eating out with Rob's mom, she mentioned that a strange thing happend at her place where something seemed to crash on her roof at the same time as ours did. Upon hearing our confusion, the lady in the next booth overheard us and told us that the space shuttle landed and that was the sonic boom. Wow. Such power in a sound wave.
It rained today. Below is a map that shows what happens when it rains. Each diamond is an accident which may cause traffic backup. It took me from 3:00 to 4:40 to get home from work today. But I did see two rainbows. Very pretty.
We rearranged our living room yesterday. It opened up the room a lot. We also did a lot of Christmas decoration shopping. We finally have a house we can light up. Yay. My parents are coming out in a couple weeks. That'll be fun too.
Ha. I drive a lot. So I like this article because it is so true. Ten most annoying driving habits. I like # 1, 4 and 5 the most.
The wind has been really strong yesterday and today. Gusts up to 65mph. You can hear it blowing against the house really strong. It is also warm the 80's. When there's wind and warm temps, there's usually fire. And that is the case this time. Yesterday there was a fire near Santa Barbara that burned over 100 houses. And today there is a fire in Sylmar. That is right where the freeways meet that seperate San Fernando Valley and Santa Clarita. All the roads are closed. It is a good thing this happened on a weekend because I take those routes to work everyday and I wouldn't be able to get to or from work at all. So far they can't contain it because it is so windy out. The fire is also threatening power blackouts for Los Angeles. Today Rob and I had plans to drive to Pasadena to go to a neat Christmas store. Well that's out of the question now... bummer.
Election day is finally here which means no more having to listen to all the campaign stuff thats been going on for months and months and months. Unfortunately, before polls even close in California, they'll know who the next president is already. Makes it seem sort of pointless ya know? But nonetheless I'm gonna vote. I'm voting more for all the CA propositions than for the actual president.
It rained on Saturday! At 6am there was thunder and lightning. It was great. It also thundered a bit later in the day too. I love thunderstorms and they are so rare here.
When we moved we got a house phone as a back up in case our cell phones don't work. The only problem is that we are always getting telemarketing calls on it. Today the phone rang 3 times. I usually never answer it. I answered one of the calls today. It was someone who called me Belinda and they wanted me to donate to a Thanksgiving food fund. We get calls all day from people wanting us to give them money for this or that. As for trying to stop them by adding our number to the Do Not Call list... no good. The DNC list does not stop charity organizations, only goods and services calls. If/when I want to give to charity, I'll choose where and when. So ring away telephone.... I ain't answering.
Last night we were awakened by a cat growling. A neighbor cat came into our backyard and was nose to nose with Milo in the window. Milo was growling at it. He would've attacked it if he could. The cat wouldn't leave despite us trying to scare it away so it went on for a little while. I wonder if it'll be back tonight.
I watched the debate last night. I am still an undecided voter so I was watching this debate rather closely.
Hi there. It is Monday morning. It's really really windy out today. When driving to work this morning I looked to my left and saw a big fire. I could smell the smoke really strong too. It is pretty bad and the worst part is that the winds are spreading it quickly. Also, they can't bring in the water helicopters yet because the winds are too strong. I'm glad I leave early for work. I hear the 5 freeway is really backed up now. Hmm. I wonder if they're gonna close the 5. In which case I'm not sure how I'll get home.
Although we cheer for the Angels, the LA Dodgers are our other team. They are playing Philadelphia now, Michele and Drew's team. So it's us against them. Go Dodgers!!
We watched the vice presidential debate last night. We missed the beginning though. I agree with them both in some aspects and disagree with them both in others. All I can say is that Biden was straightforward and used examples to back up his points. Palin seemed all over in her answers but came back with a strong end. Overall, I'm still undecided but I could see Biden taking over as president if need be....... I cannot see Palin being able to run this country if the need arose.
I'm back from my trip east. It was fun. Here's a real quick summary of my busy trip: I flew into Philadelphia on Wednesday and spent all day Thursday walking around the city with Michele. Happily the rain held off. We walked a lot! I also took public transportation for the first time in a long time...trolly, subway, bus and train. Friday we checked out Temple University where I saw Michele's work and we met Drew after class. The drive from Philly to Buffalo was about 6 1/2 hours or so. We made it in time for Amanda's wedding rehearsal. The rehearsal dinner had a rough start with the restaurant not being ready for us but it all worked out. Good pizza and pasta and wings! Then Saturday was Amanda and John's wedding. It was nice. I liked seeing all my relatives again and dancing at the reception. I wished Rob was there though. Sunday was a relaxing day. Went shopping with mom and watched the Bills game. Glad the Bills won... it wasn't looking good in the first half. Monday morning I met with Rob's Aunt Pat and cousin Mary for a bit. Later, dad and I herded some geese at the park on our bikes. Very fun! My plane took off at 4:40pm on Monday. It arrived in Vegas 40 minutes early! That never happens. The Vegas to Burbank flight was so short. Rob picked me up at the airport and I had to go to work the next morning...blah. Overall great trip! I want to rewind and do it again. I took a ton of pictures and I'll post the good ones in a photo album soon so keep an eye out for them. That's it.... I'd better get back to work now.
Happy First Day Of Fall! If you live somewhere that the leaves change color, enjoy that. I love the fall season and the whole halloween/thanksgiving/apple cider/pumpkin/orangy-brown feeling. (too bad we don't get that out here. oh well)
In one week I'll be in Philadelphia right now. Woohoo! It's going to be a very short trip but a good trip. I'm excited to see everyone. The only thing I hate is the airplane. I don't mind flying and I have no fear of flying. All I hate is the air sickness! My hands and feet tingle to the point that I can't close my fingers. I also get so hot and sweat horribly. Then the stomach ache begins. Yuck yuck yuck. Usually Dramamine helps and I hope it does this time.
I'm probably the last person to talk anything about politics but why does Palin seem to be getting more press coverage than McCain, Obama or Biden? I've never seen such coverage of a vice presidential candidate before. I'm tired of seeing her.
I hate motorcycles on the highway. Here in LA, it is legal for them to drive between lanes on the dotted line and weave between traffic. They sneak up on you and come so very close to your car. It is scary. Cars are always switching lanes so quickly and bikes get right in your blindspot. Why would this be legal? I can understand them going between lanes when the traffic is really slow or stopped...then it makes more sense and is not as dangerous. My problem is when they do this when traffic is going at full pace. Just because they are a motorcycle, they think they can go 10 miles over the speed limit (and often more than that) and still whip between lanes. Couldn't they revamp the law to only allowing them to go between cars if the flow of traffic is under a certain speed limit?