Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Car aggravation

A couple weeks ago we noticed my car would struggle to start a little bit. So we decided to take it in to the shop and have it checked. They took out this alarm system that they said was messing up my ignition. First of all, I didn't think I had an security system put in after the car was sold. Secondly, I don't know why that would suddenly happen now. I've had this car for a long time. But anyway, we took the car home. And now, this past week, it really doesn't like to start. It usually doesn't start the first or second time we try it. I had to drive Rob to work today because he couldn't get my car to start in the morning. Ugh. So now we have to take it back to the shop and see what is really wrong with it. I hope its just a simple thing like a battery problem.

Monday, January 29, 2007

A random thought

Here's a fun little thought for the day:
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Forget about nutritional value... pretend all food is equally nutritional. What one food would you never get sick of if you had an endless plate/bowl/cup? My answer: Ice Cream for sure. If I had to pick a specific flavor, fudge brownie (the kind that has the chocolate swirl and little pieces of brownie in it). So how about you?

Friday, January 26, 2007

A post just to post.

Dumb me put too much hope on this WB job and slowed down on the job search this past week. I am searching full speed again and will get a job soon. I know. WB didn't say if I did or did not get the job so its still possible but its been a long time in waiting so I'm sort of giving up on that. On another topic, Misty is really playful and energetic again. Ever since we got most of her teeth pulled, she's really pepped up. Hmm not much else. Bye.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I'm quite bummed. They are uping our rent. I knew they would do it after living here a year but I didn't think they'd bump it as high as they did. I'm working on getting a new job but even so, it is not enjoyable to see the rent climb. And I wonder how much and how often they're going to up it next time. Its too expensive to live.
I applied for a job at Warner Brothers a week ago. I got called in for an interview and also called for a second one. I'm really hoping I get it but I know there's other people interviewing for it too. I should find out by the beginning of next week. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It will be nice to have two incomes again once I do find that job. I was actually thinking of joining the gym. Not anymore. Life is too expensive.
I looked at apartments here in the Burbank area on craigslist and then looked at apartments for the same price in Buffalo and the difference is astounding! Grump grump grump.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Home for Christmas and 2007 begins

I'm finally getting around to making another post on here. The trip back to Buffalo was really nice. We flew in on the 22nd of December. There were no smelly people sitting by us and no crying baby so that was a plus. Rob and I split up our time visiting his house some of the days and my house some of the days. On the 23rd, Me, Rob, Dad, Michele and Drew took a walk around the neighborhood and looked at all the Christmas lights. It was fun but also very cold. To warm up afterward, we went into the hot tub. The hot tub is outside so it was weird to be outside in freezing cold temperatures in a bathing suit. We went into the hot tub a couple times during our visit. We had a tv out there and watched the Sabres game. Anyway, on Christmas Eve, we went to Rob's Aunt Pat's house for their annual Christmas Eve party. Santa came as usual. I won $5 on my scratch and win lottery ticket. We then went to church. It was funny to be at church with everyone and we were all in a good mood. Christmas was a busy day. Started out at my house. (well I should say my paren't house since I don't live there anymore) All 6 of us were there and it was a really fun time opening gifts and stuff. I got my new digital camera that I was very excited about. Then Rob and I went to his house for a bit. I wasn't there for too long. Rob stayed longer while I went to Kathy and Ron's house to see that side of the family. Then we picked up Rob and went to Chris and Mike's to see that side of the family. Becky told everyone that she's pregnant. Congrats to her!! We took a nice family picture. (I posted it in my pictures album) Overall it was a great Christmas and it was good to see everyone again. The next day there was a tiny bit of snowfall in the morning enough to just barely dust the grass. I was happy to get to see any snow at all. I had a dentist appointment and had to go in a few days later to get a cavity filled. Blah. We brought the Nintendo Wii with us. Everyone had a good time playing with it. Everyone especially liked playing Rampage on it. Michele and Drew went back home on the 27th. I spent a few days at Rob's house. He was working on clearing out the basement of the house a lot. One of the mornings Rob and I met up with my friend Heather from high school and her husband. It had been about 4 years since we last saw each other so that was fun. I had an annoying cold which I then gave to Rob. The cold affected him more than it did me because it got into his sinuses. He was ok when we met up with Jon, Dave and his girlfriend for bowling on the 30th. However on New Years Eve it pretty much floored him. That was a bummer because I had a New Years Eve party that night. Mandi, Paul, Jon, Maggie and Tom were there. We had a good time playing games and the Wii. It was too bad Rob was feeling too crappy to enjoy it. Mandi and Paul stayed overnight so I got to hang out with them some more the next day. We flew back to California on the 3rd. So that is a basic overview of a few of the things we did on our trip.

2006 was an interesting year with many ups and downs. Rob's dad's sickness would probably be the biggest down of course. Losing my precious dog Molly was one of the others. Oh, and Jon moving out of CA was a bummer too. But there were many ups too like getting married! I like living the married life! Moving into our current apartment, and also getting Milo. He is such a cute cat! Michele and Drew moved from NYC to Philly. I worked at the store all year. Just quit in December. Rob still has a good job at Oracle. So overall I'd have to give 2006 a thumbs up.

I posted a new photo album here. If you click on those moving pictures to the right there, it'll take you to a random picture in the middle of the album. I suggest you then click on (Set) and choose the first picture in the album and go from there. Its just nicer that way.