I watched the debate last night. I am still an undecided voter so I was watching this debate rather closely.
Healthcare is a big deal to me. Obama seemed to have more plans in mind than McCain did to solve the problem. I didn't really follow what Obama meant when he was talking about how he was going to help people who are NOT covered by their employer and have to pay for their own coverage. I disagree with McCain's want to tax employer healthcare. That'd only make things worse in my opinion.
Education was ok. No big deciding factor for me. I did however like when Obama finished his speech about education, he said that it is also up to parents. He said something like: Parents have to put away the video games and instill good educational values to their kids. Very true and that alone would solve so many of the problems.
Abortion. I am pro-life and like that McCain is. At least Obama said he would consider banning partial birth abortion as long at it had exceptions like danger to the health of the mother. I agree more with McCain on this issue though.
Regarding Joe The Plumber, I know they are talking about the small businessman and it was interesting but it doesn't really affect me too much. I'm not a small businessman and I don't make over 250,000 so I would not be taxed by Obama's plan. I was interested that they spent so much time on him. McCain kept asking why Obama would raise any taxes at all in this economic crisis that we are in. But Obama would only raise it for the top 5% of the country which isn't too bad. He'd then use the money to "spread the wealth". BUT on the other hand, these people have worked hard to earn this money. Why should they be punished with higher taxes for being successful? I look at all these people milking the welfare system because they don't want to do any work and feel bad that it's the small businessman that has to pick up the slack. It is similar to the housing/mortgage crisis. Why should I have to pick up the pieces for other people who bought a house when they couldn't afford it? So I don't know.... there are pluses and minuses. I guess overall I should think about what would be best for me. And for this, I want to hear more about the Joe Sixpacks (middle class) rather than Joe The Plumbers (small businessman making more than 250,000).
I hope I'm not totally missing the point and seeing all of this completely wrong. I have a tendency to do that sometimes.Great line: "I'm not George Bush. If you wanted to run against George Bush you should have run four years ago" -McCain. However, how much does he differ? How much would he really change within his party? Would he continue with Bush's foreign policies or change a lot about it? They touched on free trade and talked about foreign oil but I wish they would have talked about their thoughts on the war a little more and the troops overseas. I would rather they talked about that than their blabbing on about negative campaigning.
So who am I going to vote for? I don't know yet. My vote won't really count too much anyway, this is an Obama state. I'm really interested on voting for the California propositions. Especially 2 and 8.