Sunday, March 30, 2008


A Phantom Of The Opera sequel. I wonder how it'll be.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

tv, internet and phones

We got AT&T U-verse installed yesterday. So far so good. Many more channels and cheaper. Can't complain. The tv works and the wireless internet is working fine so far. We don't have a DVR for the bedroom tv yet. Gotta figure out how to set up TIVO with that.
On another topic, Razr phones rott. I haven't known anyone who did not have a problem with theirs. Mine loses bars all the time and the only way to get them back is to take out the battery and put it back in. And now the vibrate function has died so it is just still and silent when someone calls unless I have the ringer on which I don't like to have all the time. Sadly, it is probably time to buy a new phone. Rob just got an iphone which is really neat. He needed it. I don't need something like that for myself though.

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Today on the news, a reporter was at a bar asking all the partying people what St. Patrick's day is about. Noone knew. One said it was a holiday to celebrate the Irish. Some cheered that it is the best holiday of the year. I'm not a party pooper but I've never been too fond of this "holiday" because why have a holiday to celebrate drinking? That's what it's become. Far from this.

Update: One of our yellow fish died. I'm down to 4.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stupid people story time

A story: Rob and I were going to Target. I was driving and we were pulling into the parking lot. In front of us, there was a car stopped. Yes, Stopped..... right there in the middle of the entrance to the parking lot. With nowhere else to go and my car's butt almost out in traffic, I watched them as a person got out of the passenger side, and stood up, stuck his head back in the car and talked to the two people inside with the door still open. The guy getting out was obviously their son. We continued to wait and they continued to block the entrance. Cars were backing up on the road now waiting to turn in. I threw my hands up to show them frustration and to try to get them to GO. The woman driving looked at me but didn't do anything. Finally, the son shuts the door and walks away from their car and past our car. Then he hits the back of our car as he walks by!! This kid hit our car because I threw up my hands at them for blocking the entire entrance way to the shopping complex. If Rob wasn't on the phone with his mother at the time, he would have jumped out of our car right then and there. Once we got moving, we parked and so did they. We looked at them as we walked into the store and entered at the exact same time. We continued to glance back at them. They started to laugh and joke and said that they were going to call the security guards. Rob and I had a real hard time coming down from that one. We were soooooo close to saying something to them. Something bad could have happened. Surprisingly, we left the store at the exact same time as them too but they didn't see us. Once again, I could have been the car right behind them but I decided to go another way.
How can people have such a disregard for other people?

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Fish & TV

I got fish last week. I bought two bright yellow fish (I think they are creamsicle mollys), two flat fish (I don't know the official name), one bottomfeeder (I think its a striped raphael catfish), and a bala shark. So far, only one of the flat fish died. I don't know why. We did everything right to accimilate them. The red flat fish is really shy and the others always jump in it's way for food so I hope he doesn't starve. He's learning to be more aggressive I think. Anyway, here's a picture of the 4 fish. (The bottomfeeder is hiding somewhere. )

Unfortunately, after buying the fish, I read on the web that bala sharks need a bigger tank than the one we have for it. Oh well. Not much we can do for it now.

On a completely different topic, our TV DVR box broke the other day. We have no television in the living room now. We hate Charter. It is very expensive for our cable/internet and after we had it for a year, they raised the price and took away channels. We had our internet box die on us and only when we called them did they tell us that they did a system update that fried many people's boxes. Then they were really bad at coming to our home to replace it. And now our DVR box died. So today we decided to go with a whole new cable/internet company. They are cheaper, have many more stations (including the NFL network which makes Rob quite happy), HD stations and faster wireless internet. It's at&t U-verse and it is only offered in a few certain areas right now so we are happy. Have to wait for another week until it can be installed though.