Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Post Of 2007

Christmas was fun. Mom and dad came in. First they flew into Vegas for a couple days then drove here. They were here from Friday to Wednesday. On Friday we went out to eat good steak. On Saturday we saw Sweeney Todd at the Arclight in Hollywood. It was good. I like Tim Burton movies so I knew it would be good. We spent Christmas morning at our place and later went to the Wilbert's. Their neighborhood had a lighting contest... not of individual houses but the entire neighborhood as a whole. It was really neat. Practically every single house was decorated elaborately. They won second place for Santa Clarita. The first place neighborhood won because someone brought in snow and put it on everyone's lawn and kids brought out sleds and stuff. Anyway, that is a quick recap of the holidays. Sad to see the season over already. Check out my photo album to the right!
This last weekend, Rob and I rearranged our entire apartment. We moved every piece of furniture in our living room and bedroom. It gives it a fresh new feeling for the new year. It was a big job and took two days and we still have a bunch of clutter to clean up and find places for.
Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Buffalo, NYC

Today a guy heard my "accent" and tried to guess where I am from. When I told him Buffalo he was surprised and said I didn't sound like someone from New York. He went on to say that he has family in New York so he knows the accent. Sure enough, they were from Brooklyn. Ha. It is funny how people lump all of New York into NYC.
5 shopping days left. You finished?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Just a work vent

Work is frustrating. It is hard enough trying to keep up with everything by myself here at the front desk but what's worse is when the girls in the back get snippy toward me about missing something or having someone on hold when I have 3 other calls I'm taking care of and there are two people at the desk at the same time. They don't realize that I do the best I can and I'm only one person. One person can only do so much. I always keep scratch paper in front of me and write down things I have to remember to do later but that doesn't mean I can still get everything done perfectly. Do they think I just blow off certain jobs because I don't feel like doing it? I just wish they could understand that I'm doing the best I can. Once I mentioned something about how it is tough on the busy days. The response I got was "well that's your job". friendly. Ugh. Oh well. I like my job.... I'm just venting. On the plus side, I've got a half day next Monday, Tuesday is off for Christmas and I'm taking that Wednesday off too. I'm very excited for that!

Update: I feel much better than I did 24 hours ago. My supervisor and I figured out just how I can fit everything into my work schedule and that eases a lot. So good!

Update again: Ok maybe not. So stressed at work. Seems nothing I did today was right. A little acknowledgement of all the stuff I've been doing good wouldn't be that hard would it? Must I only hear what is not right? I can't wait until January when things are supposed to settle down a lot.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Phone etiquette

Talking to people on the telephone all the time at work has made me realize just how many people don't have phone etiquette. They must think that since they can hide behind the phone, they can say whatever they want however they want. And how hard is it to say "goodbye" or "thank you" before just cutting off a phone call? If I ever answer a phone call and the person just says "who's this?", I always respond by saying "you called me, who's this?"

On another topic, Christmas is less than 2 weeks away! Are you ready for it? I'm excited. My parents will be in town that weekend so that'll be fun. Our apartment is decorated nicely however Milo likes to try to take down as many decorations as possible like garland and biting the Christmas tree. It's cute though.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Happy Birthday Mom!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Back home

We are back in Burbank again after going back to Buffalo for several days for Rob's dad's funeral. Very depressing trip but it was a nice service.