Michele and Drew have officially got the house now. They will move in November. That is neat. Little by little they'll work on it and fix the things that need repairs.
Here's an update of the fires 24 hours since my last post
My boss could win the award for the worst boss ever. He thinks nothing of his employees, runs the place based on threats, never a pat on the back, takes away our benefits without notice, is cheeeaaap, etc etc. I like my job and my immediate boss is good but the CEO is an idiot who doesn't know how to run a business.
We decided we were in need of a really good carpet cleaning so yesterday we had Stanley Steemer come. Now the carpet is so clean and fluffy and nice. I don't even want to walk on it.
NBC is leaving Burbank. Thats a bummer. I like living so close to NBC and seeing that long line of people waiting for the Jay Leno show everyday. It is fun to see the tourists walking around. Now they'll be gone. That'll take Burbank off the map a little bit. They're relocating across from Universal Studios which a town over from Burbank. (I can see the Universal Studios theme park from my parking ramp at work.) Well, at least we still have the Warner Brothers, Disney, and Nickelodeon studios here.
Our mailbox door won't open. It is totally jammed somehow. The landlord took my mailbox key and they are going to try to fix it somehow. If they don't fix it by tomorrow we'll have to find some other way to get our mail. No big deal but still an annoyance.
Michele and Drew bought a house! It is in Springfield PA. 4 bed 1.5 bath. Pretty nice. Great potential to fix up the nice size backyard. Michele put some pictures on her website.
Work has been rather stressful lately. The girl who works in the back is going to be gone for at least 6 weeks because of surgery. That means my fellow front desk receptionist is now covering that job leaving me to do everything up there myself. That is a lot of work which sometimes gets waaay too busy for one person to handle. (it's multi-multi tasking) She has been in the back training for the past two weeks and they are getting all uppity with me about every little thing. Very annoying. And to top it off, management and billing are making these changes at work which would not be a big deal except that they don't tell me about them. Then they get upset when I don't do the new things because I didn't know they exist in the first place. So I just gotta get by these 6 weeks and all should be good again.