News coverage
The Virgina Tech shooting thing has been being covered on the news (cnn, foxnews, msnbc) 24/7 for the last 4 days. Although they have finally stopped talking nonstop about it, they are still making it a huge majority of their newscast. The thing I've been seeing recently on the news is all about the copycats. Several schools have received threats, letters and calls that predicted a shooting or bombing at their school. One high school in southern CA cancelled all classes because it was receiving huge threats and some kid stole a whole bunch of guns. I can't blame them for closing. It is the anniversary of the Columbine shooting and the Oklahoma City bombing. (and its 4/20 "national pot smoking day" if that makes any difference). My point of all this is that the constant coverage and now that NBC decided to show those videos of Cho to the public, other kids who may have been teetering on the edge of doing something horrible themselves may just get that little push they need by seeing all of this. By NBC allowing the videos to be shown, they are letting Cho win. Cho mailed the stuff with the plan of having everyone in America seeing it. He could then think he was a martyr and die happy. Well, there are many other very disturbed kids out there that may think 'yeah I want to be a martyr too and get my word out to everyone via news'. The fact that several schools have recieved threats this past week shows its not impossible.
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