How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was nice. Rob and I made the dinner. (Actually, Rob did most of the cooking.) We had Jon over and a couple others from Rob's work Nick and Todd. Later Ian and Maggie came over too. We had a good time playing the Nintendo Wii.
My digital camera bit the dust. I looked up its problem on the internet and found people that have the same problem mine is having. Turns out it is the sign of death for the camera. Oh well. I believe Christmas will bring forth a nice new one!!
I took a pic of the turkey being carved with my phone. Phone pics never turn out that nice though.

Turkey looks yummy!
Oooooo! You have a camera in your phone. I am jealous!
I have a Canon Digital Rebel EoS with 8 megapixels. Its the bomb. It has a real shutter and everything. Nikon puts out nice ones just like ours too. Hopefully you can get something good!
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