Our Target camp out
Yesterday morning/afternoon Rob got in line outside Target for the Nintendo Wii which went on sale this morning. After work I joined him. We were number 5 in line. We stayed there all night long. Slept on the nice hard pavement like many others. One person brought a card table and a nice size TV which was powered by a long cable to his truck. A lot of people in the line gathered around it and watched a bootleg of the movie Borat. Then they played old SNES games until the wee hours. It got pretty cold at night but it was also pretty fun. The worst part of it all was dealing with all the Target customers walking by while the store was still open saying "What're you waiting in line for?" over and over and over again. We would often respond to their question by saying "free beer". Some people were just abhorred by the fact that we were there. Don't know why. We weren't bothering anyone. Ha... like this one lady said "what are you doing sitting here? Sitting here to get fat playing video games? I got a movie for you... dumb and dumber". That was a good one. By the morning there were over 120 people in line which is the number of councils being sold at the store so they didn't get one. As for the game council, it's really cool. The new controller makes it really fun and interactive.

Did that old lady come up with that off the top of her head? That was pretty good.
Who knew that Melinda would be "one of them....those line standers!!" Just kidding!
There were many crimes in SW VA over the play station 3. People going to the hospital etc...
My husband would love a new nintendo. But all we have is 64. Lame I know, but he doesn't play that often. But he kicks my butt everytime.
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