I know they say that wearing glasses or contacts all the time does not make your eyesight worse. I, however, am not sure about that. Since I got glasses for the first time in high school, I've had to strengthen my prescription several times. I know people that have also gotten glasses but decided not to wear them and their vision has not deteriorated or not deteriorated as quickly. What do you think? All I know is I'm glad they invented contact lenses. I hate glasses.
Get Lasik! I got it 5 years ago and have been thrilled with it. I'm not sure how much it costs out there, but I hear it's getting pretty cheap around this area. (My aunt and uncle came here from out of state to get it.)
I would love to get that. However I heard that you should only do it if your eyesight hasn't changed in over a year. Mine has. But maybe eventually I can get it done. I know others who have too and they all like it.
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